31 January, 2009

I think we've exhausted this conversation

A real life conversation. V stands for Victoria , M stands for mom.

M: Can you not leave your clothes lying in the hallway? It doesn't take that much effort to put them away.
V: I'm too exhausted at the end of the day. I'm so exhausted.
M: I'm exhausted too. Today I was so exhausted I passed out right when I came home after work.
V: Well today I was so exhausted I wanted to pass out after work, but couldn't because I have obligations.
M: Well today I was so exhausted I fell right asleep.
V: Well I was so exhausted I slipped into a coma while I was standing up.
M: I was so exhausted I died and my bowels released. And I had to give myself CPR.
V: I was so exhausted I died, tried to give myself CPR, but was too exhausted so I just gave up.
M: So now you're still dead.
V: Right. Actually, I was so exhausted I wanted to die, but I was too exhausted to even do that.
M: Wow.
V: I was so exhausted I died, tried to go to heaven, but it was too far away and I was too exhausted to get there.
M: I was so exhausted I ran out of things to say.
V: Were you so exhausted you ate all of my fucking ice cream?
M: Don't say fucking.

Much, much later.

V: I was so exhausted today, Robert A. Wilson came back to life and asked me if I wanted to make out and i said "I can't, I'm too tired."
M: Wow. That's pretty exhausted.